Singing in the Rain

My mom got this raincoat for little Daisy from a local shop that sells accessories to pet lovers. She asked me to take some pictures of Daisy in the raincoat to send to the store as a thankyou to them. At first Daisy wasn't such a good model, she kept walking around trying to get back inside with the other dogs. But after a little while (and a little bit of bribery with treats) she began to sit still.
Polka Dot Cutie
I sat Daisy under the umbrella and she was very uncertain about it. She wasn't so sure about what it was and did not like sitting under it. However, with enough coaxing and enough treats, she was willing to sit under it. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and I love how the raincoat is the same color as them. Daisy is such a photogenic dog and I had lots of fun taking pictures of her!